Mary McAdams

Join the Street Team!

The Official Mary McAdams Street Team


You can help a little or help a lot.  It can be as simple as a single post on Facebook or Twitter.  We will give you all the tools! 

Don't be afraid, jump in! 

Thank you for your support! 

What is a Street Team?

A Street Team is a group of fans brought together by a desire to help promote an artist.  Street Team members help the artist by bringing their friends to shows, contacting radio stations and requesting the artist's music, putting up posters, sending emails and online bulletins and announcements, posting to online message boards and more.  It can be as simple as forwarding this very newsletter!

What are the benefits to the Teamers?
FREE CDs, downloads, T-shirts, concert tickets and perhaps even a house concert! 

Email: if you'd like to sign up and you will be emailed more info.

Really, we need you!